Asset Management

Asset Management

Managing assets in kokomi.js is pretty easy!

Traditional way

When using vanilla three.js, we usually load assets like this:

const texLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
const tex = texLoader.load("asset url");
const gltfLoader = new GLTFLoader();
gltfLoader.load("asset url", (gltf) => {
    const model = gltf.scene;

Actually this is totally acceptable and intuitive.

But if we want to load many assets with different types, it will be very messy.

So we need to load assets in a more uniform way.

kokomi.js way

First, you define a list of assets.

const resourceList = [
    name: "tex",
    type: "texture",
    path: "asset url",
    name: "model",
    type: "gltfModel",
    path: "asset url",

Note that the list item has 3 fields: name, type and path.

  • name is just the key name of asset.
  • type is the type of asset, includes: texture, gltfModel, cubeTexture, etc. Different type has its corresponding loader, such as texture - THREE.TextureLoader, etc. You can view all the types with kokomi.ResourceItem ts type or source code (opens in a new tab).
  • path is the url of asset, if you are using a bundler (e.g. vite), it has its own way of handling asset url. (such as import statement)

Then create the asset manager:

const am = new kokomi.AssetManager(this, resourceList);

The asset manager will automatically start to load all the assets in the list, you just need to listen for the load complete (which is ready) event. After loading complete, you can access the assets via the instance's items, which is just a map of asset's key name and its content.

am.on("ready", () => {
  const tex = am.items.tex;
  const model = am.items.model;
  // handle these assets ...
